Back from NY and had a blast. Here's what we did in two and a half days: Ripley's Museum, Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Empire State Building, Top of the Rock (Rockefeller Center), Staten Island Ferry, Ground Zero, Bodies Exhibit, dinner in Little Italy, The Guggenheim (hated it!), and Museum of Natural History. WHEW. It was so much fun. We stayed at the Westin in Times Square and it was so comfortable and clean and just awesome.
The plane ride...well, I apparently was the only one crying during takeoff (so says my sister), but I don't believe it, lol. No crying on the way home though, so I'm pretty proud about that. Both flights were great and without incident. It was so smooth getting into and around the airports and on the flights. I was surprised. I have hope I may go somewhere else on a plane someday. Yaaayy me! Here's proof I was there:
Ground Zero-lots of construction happening!

Overlooking the Hudson

View from Top of the Rock

I have lots more pics, but most are from the Metropolitan Museum and the Natural History Museum. I didn't think you'd want tons of Greek Statuary and funerary steles, so I'll save those! But I must say, it's the most magnificent art museum I've ever been too. The people we came into contact with, in all our ventures, were the friendliest, most helpful, ever. With the exception of the creepy guy in the Lincoln Town Car who tried to pick us up and take us who knows where--uh NO WAY buddy!!, I highly recommend NYC!
OK, enough vacation ramblings. I picked up a few stash items this past weekend from my LNS, and here they are:

I WILL have stitching updates very soon. Don't you hate when people say "I've been busy"? I mean, whose not busy, right? So I hate saying that. Life gets in the way of stitching sometimes, and that's where I've been the past week. I hope your week has gone better and you've been more productive than me in the stitchy arena! Thank you all for your comments and encouragement-it helped so much! Until next time,