My husband and I love to go to King's Dominion every Halloween. Again, we had exceptionally beautiful weather and an enormous amount of fun. We're kids at heart during this special time of year.
I actually finished that Halloween bunting and it turned out great.
Work was nutty, but Thanksgiving was good. Christmas was good, but I'm glad it's over. Does that make sense? I'm going to be doing a few things differently next year. How can one go from calm and serene to harried and hurried so quickly?
My son has been home for nearly a month, and it's been very nice. He's going back to school tomorrow and be well on his way to finishing his first year of college. Kind of unbelievable.
I completed a major goal in 2014. I kept up with and finished a year of Project Life. Don't know what that is? You can check it out HERE. I had that as a goal for the past two years! I found that scaling back to a 6x8 album was the ticket for me. I'm so proud of it! Last year was such an important year for all of us and I wanted to record it. Well, my husband and son look at it all the time, and they looked at it all year long while I was working on it. That lets me know it was a good thing to do. I'm planning on doing it again this year too. Snapped up another core kit today and my album should be here soon. If you haven't checked it out, please do. It's a worthwhile endeavor. And easy peasy.
Do you have goals for this year? I do. I plan to review them each month to keep them fresh in my mind and keep my attention on them. Not the least of those goals is to do more stitching. Last year was pitiful in that regard. But in my defense (do I need one?) there was a LOT happening! And it was all good. So, I guess I can't be too hard on myself there.
I'm starting out this year, as I did last year, in a state of immense gratitude. We all have losses, and I have had many over the past 10 years. However, I have so so so much to be grateful for, and I am. Those are the things I do my best to focus on. I want to live in a state of greatfulness and positivity. Sometimes it's hard, but I have such a wonderful life and such loving family...seems like such a waste to even think about what I don't have. It creeps in periodically. But that's when I kick myself in the ass and meditate for a few minutes. :)
More love, more understanding, more music, more photos, more fun, more creativity. And to that end, remember this:
Hopefully, I'll have a stitchy update soon (I'm dying to try my hand at embroidery too!), but until then,