I think she's an older lady with graying hair that enjoys being out in her garden under the sunshine, or maybe even the rain.
Turned out pretty cute if I do say so myself! I'm enjoying stitching on 16 ct with just one strand.
Added a bit more stash to my collection the past couple weeks.
I love those Workbasket charts, but oh man, those barns are a TON of stitches! So gorgeous though!
And that Cricket Collection Dutch Sampler chart? Yep, I've only been to the Netherlands once and it holds a special place in my heart. I love pretty much any stitchery having to do with the Dutch. The colors in that are just gorgeous!
I've been learning (with the help of some youtube videos) the crochet join-as-you-go for hexagons. Man, it took going through several, and then practicing a bit, but I got it! And I'm so so happy. I will show my progress on that next time around. I've always wanted to learn it, and now I have! The next thing after that will be the continuous join-as-you-go, because lemme tell you-I got a boatload of ends to weave in. If you have any tips, please let me know!
It's been as hot as the hinges of hell here. I don't want to wish my life away, as my mom says, but wow I can't wait for cooler weather. I love summer. Love. But the oppressive heat just zaps my strength and makes my upstairs hot, lol. First world problems, I know.
See you next time. Hope you gets lots of stitching in! Until then,