We got back Saturday and I was in the ER on Sunday, lol. If anyone knows me, they know I have a habit of getting sick in the summer, usually requiring a hospital stay-heck, maybe even surgery-but thankfully not this year. I had a kidney infection, but that's not the worst. The worst was the Levaquin (POISON I tell you) that I only took two pills of and was sicker than I've ever been in my life! Stay away from that stuff. My doc gave me something else and I'll probably have to have something done about the kidney stones.
Progress on my Praire Fairie:

I got pretty much done and it was so awesome to sit and stitch with this view:

Had to buy some stash while there. Lots purchased at Sea Needles, some at the Spinning Wheel and some at the Salty Yarn. And yes, you better behave in there or you might wind up on the
Salty Yarn Blog and you do not want that! So I have my charts, stand in line and pay--then LEAVE, lol.

This was a wonderful vacation and gosh how I treasure those memories. Waking up to the sound of the surf and seagulls is awesome. And when you are boating and the dolphins come so close, it's some kind of magic I swear. We look forward all year to that one week, and we'd love to "retire" to the beach someday. Gives us something to shoot for anyway! Maybe I'll do some digi scrapping pages of the beach and post 'em here--I took SO many pics this time and need to get them in an album. Well, I don't *need* to, but would like to. :)
I have so much to catch up on with all your blogs, and I'll be doing that the next couple days I promise. Thanks to everyone who reads and is remotely interested in my ramblings. Next time I'll have hopefully finished my Fairie and gotten that first line of specialty stitches on Goblin done. I really don't want to give up on that one, but I'm tiring of silk thread, believe it or not.
Have a great stitchy week everyone!