Merry Christmas Eve.
I cannot believe we are here again! This time, Christmas will be so much more special because I now have a(n OFFICIAL)daughter(in-law)!!! The wedding was wonderful. They wrote their own vows, each of them doing a spectacular and beautiful job. It was truly wonderful. We only had about 22 people, so very small, but I know they will always remember their special day and the loved ones they had surrounding them.
My only child is now a married man! I am so happy for the both of them. She was glorious in her gown and he was like a handsome prince in his tuxedo. Though we only had about 6 weeks of planning, everything was great. They are perfect for one another and we wish them a life of love and laughter ahead. She is not just my daughter in law, she is my friend as well. And I love them both to the moon and back.
Still no cross stitching to speak of. My Pineberry Lane Shoo! is staring at me every day just wanting to know when I will finish her. Soon, I promise, soon.
I decided to whip up another poinsettia plant. This one is named Peppermint, and she is a gift for someone for Christmas.
These are so incredibly fun to make. Putting the face on is the most fun, but I find all aspects of doing this just relaxing and meditative. After an incredibly stressful week at work and coming off of all the wedding festivities, I needed to do this.
So are you prepared for Christmas? I don't know if I ever consider myself prepared. When I love people, I want to buy them all the things for the holidays. I'm just getting less and less willing to tromp around stores to do it. My husband is kind of hard for me to shop for. But we make it work.
I've noticed a change in people over the past 20 years or so. People are just not as nice somehow. There is meanness on the roads and in the stores, and on planes. I'm not sure where we are headed as a country, you know? Now we have another covid variant, Omicron, threatening to overwhelm the medical systems again, and I don't know how much more these poor medical people can take. Or the teachers for that matter.
I think this coming year, I need to double down on my crafting and reading. I need to stitch more and I might have to give up project life this year to do that. Or maybe put down my crochet hooks (nooooooo!) for a while. I have some crafty goals I want to accomplish, and something has to give in order for that to happen. But what a problem to have, right?
Hope all your Christmas preparations come together, and everyone is well and happy! Stay safe, and until next week,
Neglected the old blog for a few months and the time just flew! I really want to do an update now, so I can at least stay on track a bit and catch up. Whew, this fall has been a whirlwind. I don't have any stitching to show. I did a lot of beading earlier this fall, and have been crocheting some amigurumi plants and just working.
My son and his lovely girl are getting married this coming up weekend, 12/11 !!! I'm so happy for them! I couldn't have picked a more wonderful woman if I picked her myself! I will fill in more after the wedding, but it's coming up quick and we have little details to worry over.
A recent finish, (TODAY!), is my little Poinsettia. OMG, I cannot even with this face!
Thanksgiving was nice, with being able to see my nephews. Since their parents divorced, seeing them can be quite tricky. Half the time they are with the other parent, so holidays with them are very sparse anymore. But they are getting older and busier too, and that makes it hard as well. It was good this year.
Halloween was pretty low key.
The actual day of Halloween, we went bridal dress shopping and had a nice lunch out with all the gals involved! Very fun, and I am thankful every day to be included in all these goings on, and thankful I am here to see it all.
We've all been vaccinated and boosted and there's nothing more we can do. The wedding is small, only about 23 people and all but a couple of the children are vaccinated. My mother in law is dealing with cancer and chemo so we have to all be as safe as we can and try to protect our vulnerable people. Wish everyone felt the same.
I have too much cross stitch I want to do, and not enough time for the remainder of the year I don't think! I may forgo Project Life next year to concentrate more on stitching, but I'll see. I have enjoyed doing it again. Work has been insane the past month or two and I'm feeling burned out on so many things. This is going to be a busy week leading up to Saturday and I want it all to go off without a hitch for them.
Take care everyone! I hope to update before the end of the year with a couple wedding pics and more crafty updates, but I cannot promise a dang thing.
Until then,