Friday, October 24, 2008
'Ween Stitching and Bathroom!
Here are a couple older designs I have done. Man, I love my Halloween stitching. I really need to do a few more of the newer designs (don't remind me about my Halloween Fairy!) before next year. I so love seeing what everyone is stitching.
Hmmm, looks like I have yet another recently purchased Halloween design or two! I scored When Witches Go Riding, and a little tiny Trail Creek Farm Design. I picked up a LHN that was in the clearance bin. The floss is the red that is used in the Witches design.
Here's a couple more of my Meadowbrooke Gourds.
Here's my new bathroom. Before, it was all pink and floral and "cottage-y". I loved it, but it was hart to accessorize and frankly, these new colors go great with the rest of my house and I can easily change the theme with towels and art, etc. I just printed some stuff off the internet onto photo paper and framed it, lol. My husband painted, put a new floor down and freshened everything up. Ignore the deodorant, OK?
So that's it for now. Don't be surprised if I post LOTS more Halloween pics. We're having a get together tomorrow. It's supposed to rain and I'm really upset about that! I have a wonderful back deck and yard and that's where we usually congregate and have fun. The house is little and no room! ARGH! Wish me luck! Happy stitching!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Li'l Witch and a Li'l Eye Candy
Here is some more progress on my Shepherd's Bush Little Witch! I'm really pleased with her. I'm doing another rose at the top of the stem like someone else I had seen, because I don't like that pumpkin button they provided. I have a Halloween Bird design that calls for it, so I'll save it for that. :)
I've included a bit of interior Halloween eye candy. I decorate everywhere, and I'll post pics of my bathroom (yes, I had my husband repaint specifically for Halloween, lol) and the top of my kitchen cabinets sometime soon. For now, I just took some shots of some of my favorite things to look at.
The box that the skulls are sitting on is like a Halloween version of the one used at Christmas time where you take a decoration out every day up until Halloween. It came with a black tree and handmade decorations. I'll show you that soon too!I love this little guy. He's so heavy and his little arms and legs just flop there. He's got the coolest face I've ever seen on a skull.
I collect Meadowbrook Gourds and have several more, but here's one. He has a green light in him. These things are great.
This is just a cheapo plug in, but he's very effective at night and is a great mood-setter! Uh, Halloween mood that is.Thank you everyone for all the great comments on my last post! Glad you enjoyed peeking at the yard goodies. I have a costume to start sewing and will be super busy this week with prep and planning and pulling together everything. Enjoy your week and I'll check out everyone's blog tonight or tomorrow! Happy Stitching!!!!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Halloween Happenings and Little Witch
Next up are some pictures of my home, which gets all decked out for Halloween! My favorite holiday finds my husband and I out in the yard constantly tweaking and adding and fussing until the holiday is over. Ha! Most of our decorations are handmade, handstuffed, handpainted.
Here is "Front Porch Guy"
Trick or Treater (boy, does he cause some second looks)
Front Door Wreath
My husband made this coffin and the suit and hat are from Goodwill
This is Michael Myers in an upstairs window. I love this one!
Are you guys decorating? Get to it! I have lots more, but honestly, I didn't want to overload anyone, lol. I hope you enjoyed my little bit of Halloween.
I'm bummed about my Halloween fairy because the thread I got is SO different from what the rest of the wings are. AAARGH. So, it looks like I'll have to make a trip up north to a fantastic cross stitch shop and bring in my fairy for comparison. I just want to get it finished, but it realistically may be a while. Have a great stitchy week and I'll have way more of my little witch finished next time!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Contest over at Stitch Pink !
I lost my beautiful Granny, Sarah Jane - referred to as Janie by all who loved her - to breast cancer in January of 2005. It had returned in her bones 9 years after previously undergoing chemo and radiation sucessfully.

I was thinking of her fondly today. Remembering how her skin smelled of powder and how her hands felt so soft all the time. The way she laughed. Strange how we retain those sensory things. I'm so thankful I can recall those memories at will, along with all the other great things I fondly remember about her. Above is a little 6x6 scrapbook page I made to honor her. Probably my favorite photo of her. (the ribbon scanned funky but is actually a very pale pink). Now I need to STITCH something pink. She adored pink and red...