He's finally finished! I'm pretty pleased. I left out the dots because I'm too ocd about my stitches and I, 1) didn't want to carry the floss over large distances and 2) also did not want to do so many singular stitches. LOL. So here he is.
It'll be a gift for my mom for her birthday, after I get it framed.
Now I just need to pull out Hurrah and finish that too. I can't really say I'm on a roll, but for me, this is a roll. I'm stitching one project after another and have been for more than a year now, and that makes me very happy. With everything else that has gone on, it's been a wonderful stress reliever and I love the feeling of accomplishment it gives me.
My boy turned 23! We had a little (very little) gathering at our house and got him his favorite cake from Olive Garden. Pay no mind to the huge chunk that came off as I unboxed it.
I'm really proud of this kiddo. Hard to believe so many years has gone by. Truly. Where did it go? What have I done with myself in the meantime? All I can say is my mom was right when she said "it'll go by so quick you can't believe it". As the mom of a two year old, I thought "RIGHT, lady. I cannot wait for these twos to be over with!" But now, I would almost give anything to have that time back again.
You never realize the last time your little boy cuddles on your lap or gives you a mushy kiss right on the lips. You never know the last time of anything they do as they grow. All you know is it doesn't happen anymore. And it makes me sad I didn't realize the last time would be the last time, you know? Such is SO much of life! It can be said for anything, really. But he's a lovely young man, and doing great.
Age 2 and 23 in OC MD |
Father's Day was low key-we did nothing. My son and my husband worked over at my mom's house getting her yard together. It was much appreciated too.
I'll sign off with a gorgeous double rainbow captured after a storm last week here. I caught it just in time too!
Have a great week and I'll be back soon with a stitch update on Hurrah! Until then,