
Sunday, July 21, 2024

New Start! Notforgotten Farm Sisters of the Broom!

What a week it's been, right? But I'm just going to talk about cross stitch!

I started a new project! Notforgotten Farm's Sisters of the Broom. It's only got four DMC colors, and so far, I'm using just what is called for. I'm stitching it on PTP 16 ct. Ale, using one strand of floss. This is such a nice color. And a nice fabric as well. 

I am actually excited to be stitching on this, for the first time in a long time. This will be my first cross stitch in nearly about 35 years without any of my own dog's hair in it. That is crazy, lol. I'm positive that all my pieces I've EVER done had a stray dog hair. Regardless, I am excited to stitch, and that is a plus right now!

My son and I went to see a Samurai Warrior Armor exhibit at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts yesterday. What a wonderful exhibit, and I would recommend it to anyone! We had a such a great day. Museum, lunch at a favorite place, the bookstore....and traffic. Oh my lord the traffic. But it didn't stop us from having a fantastic time.

Truly amazing exhibit and displays! Well, I think that's all I have for now. I made myself a goal to stitch every single day for the next week and we'll see where I'm at. One day at a time, one stitch at a time. That's how it gets done.

I hope everyone is getting some stitching done and staying cool. We're a bit cooler this week, thank goodness. Getting a tooth pulled and not looking forward to that, but I still want to put in some stitches that day. Wish me luck. It's been a long long time since I had to have that done. In September I'm going in to some totally foreign dental territory-implants. I'm scared!

Have a great week, and I'll be back soon with an update on Sisters of the Broom!

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Pineberry Lane All Good Witches and Updates

I'm calling both of these done. Good Witches only needs the centers of the diamonds on the dresses filled in. Otherwise it's done. It was very hard for me to work on this or even want to keep it, quite honestly. I started it when Jenny was alive, and I have a difficult time finishing projects that are ongoing when something bad happens. Anyone else have this issue? 

Regardless, I did manage to derive some enjoyment from putting in some stitches recently. Even more so when I found a few stray hairs in this piece. They will definitely make it in to the framed piece when the time comes. This is one that I can say I'm just glad it's done and I'll be happy to move on to my next project.

Little Jenny hair

Looks like the VA heat is going to be awful and oppressive this week again. I'm telling you, I really feel for all the little (and big!) animals out there. Just seems to be no break.

I have been wanting to learn to embroider forever. I decided to give it a go a couple weeks ago and bought a little tiny pattern on Etsy. I think I enlarged it too much because I definitely have way more embroidering going on here than the designer had! But I'm learning, so I'm not going to be too hard on myself for now. I can definitely see doing more of this in the future.

I'll try to finish this one up this week. Work has been abysmally slow. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy that, but I have to try to make up the time somehow and that gets a bit tiresome. No pleasing me apparently! LOL.

I need to stitch, crochet, embroider and sew more. It takes me out of my life somewhat and gives my brain something to focus on and concentrate on, and aside from all the beautiful things we make, isn't that why we do it anyway? I think it is. It's like a form of meditation with needle and floss or thread.

I made these earlier in the spring when I really need a break from my thoughts. I think they turned out pretty good!

I also crocheted this for myself after making one for my sweet daughter in law. I love this thing so much.

I have more to catch up on, but I'll leave that for next time! I sincerely hope everyone who comes across this blog is well, and enjoying life, and getting lots of stitching done. Be back soon with a new stitch and more updates! Take care everyone.