
Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Pre-Vacation Project and Fabric Dyeing!

I finally figured out what to take on vacation with me. I chose Hurrah, by Pineberry Lane. I had gotten this last year I think, and had all the floss, but never ordered or picked up the fabric.

SOOOOOO, I did a little experiment and dyed my own fabric, and I called this one Stormy Sterling. Viola! Here is the beautiful fruit of my labor!

This turned out SO much better than I had anticipated. That dark shadow at the bottom is just that--a dark shadow. The shades are uniform throughout and I'm so pleased. Here is the project all together.

I'm going to stitch the "white"version that is on the front of the chart, as pictured. There is a blue and gray option on the back, which is also lovely, but I wanted that white dress and the pop of red. Something just simple and small enough to start and enjoy. I love having something every year that I begin on vacation. It's a nice tradition for me.....well, along with new stash I pick up along the way.

I think that's it for now. Time to get my checklist out and do the final push for vacation planning. We leave in less than 48 hours and the majority of packing gets done the day before.

Enjoy your upcoming weekend and week and have fun with Maynia, if you are participating!

Thursday, May 16, 2019

A few more letters on Spring Hare and some crochet!

I managed to do a few more letters on Spring Hare by La D Da. This is a fun stitch. And I'm loving the original floss color on the letters! I have a couple stitches that I need to complete that for some reason I left out. But he's coming along nicely.

I saw one of these done in all overdyed pinks for a little girl's nursery (I think!). It was precious. So many possibilities with this design.

Been doing a bit of crochet lately. I finished up another baby hat that I did just as a lark, because I wanted to learn the stitch. This was FUN to do! You can find the Ravelry pattern HERE.

The Jovie Pixie Bonnet

I have no babies to do these little things for. I just like doing them because they are so little and cute!

Been working on a crochet mandala for my mom for Mother's Day. Missed the cutoff, but she is a lovely and understanding woman, and I also made her oatmeal raisin cookies, so all was well. This pattern is also on Ravelry, you can find it HERE:

The Meghan Mandala

I have started walking again for physical and mental health. Two years ago, when things were very stressful in our extended family, I started putting on weight. I had lost 80 lbs in about a year and a half between 2015 and 2016, but in summer of 2017 it all went to hell slowly. Well, I'm committed to getting back to where I was by year's end.

I used to walk at a park near our home, and since we've moved, I haven't made it back. But I did this week. Normally I've been walking around our neighborhood, but I made a special trip back to the serenity of the park and gosh, how I have missed all the smells and sounds of the land and forest.

It's just serene and peaceful, the whole place. Part of the trail is a really nice cushioned rubber mulch path and it feels so nice to walk on.

I hope everyone had a lovely Mother's Day. I'm thankful to have my mother. She's always so supportive of everything I want to accomplish and do. I hope she feels the same about me. I try!

My son's girlfriend, Tiara, and I, collect Rae Dunn pottery. Do you know if it? Well, it's addicting. Apparently, the little birdhouses are tough to get and she and my son got me one! OMG, I love it so much! They are very sweet to me and having them in my life is one of my greatest joys. How cute is this??

Rae Dunn Birdhouse

Back very soon with a pre-vacation stitchy post! Until then,

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Quick update on Spring Hare

Just a quick update on Spring Hare with the alphabet stitched in the OLD version of Sable #110, that I was lucky to find in a design I had kitted up long ago!

It's really looking nice! I'm happy at this point. By the way, I did forward photos and an explanation to the floss company via facebook. A very nice man responded and said they had changed dye companies etc. over time and that " With that kind of changes there is a reasonable expectation that there might be some differences."

Probably not the response I would have given, but I'll leave it there.

Anyways, as I said before, that is a definite problem when purchasing hand dyed floss. If you can't get to stitching the pattern right away, and you want to use the dyed floss, you best get all of it you can, because there's no going back!

Until next time,