After that, my world went a bit sideways! Seems my gallbladder picked Wednesday night to tell me it was done. The pain was terrible. I thought initially it was heartburn, but 12 hours of immense, non-stop pain meant otherwise.
One trip to the E.R. coming right up! I arrived around 5:30 a.m. and by 3pm was in surgery to remove the pesky organ. Yeah, that was a loooooong time to wait with pain and adverse reactions to pain meds, etc.
Long story short, I'm home and eager to finish up this project, so I may put in a few stitches (no pun intended!) tonight and for sure tomorrow too.
I hope none of your week was as eventful as mine. And I hope to not have this happen again anytime soon. Last surgery I had prior to this was 2006. I had a good run, lol.
Have a great stitchy week! Until next time,