Been a rough, busy week here! In spite of it all, I managed to work on my Cedar Hill Summer Bouquet.
I think she's turning out lovely. I am trying to let go of my perfectionist nature a bit. Perfection is the enemy of good. And perfection is the enemy of DONE. I still waver between my idea of perfection and good enough for me. In between is OK!
For instance, the directions on the piece said that doing one stitch at a time is the ONLY way to achieve the desired effect on the black eyed susans. Well I really loathe doing "xxxx", and much prefer "////", then making the full cross stitch on the way back to the left. And as you can see, they turned out lovely with really nice variegation! Good enough for me!
I started crocheting a little tiny mouse and have the head done. And seriously, her face just melts me! I won't be able to work on the rest of her for a bit, but she's going to be precious!
I hope everyone reading this is doing well! I'll be back soon with more updates!
Take care and get lots of stitching in!