
Sunday, August 4, 2024

Sisters of the Broom progress

Made some nice progress I think. I had the bird almost done, but I really hated the DMC floss I was using on that. It was shreddy and fuzzy and so was one of the other colors, so I went to JoAnn's and substituted them with ones I liked better from Anchor.

I've struggled with planting and raising moonflowers here at this house. They either go in too late, wrong spot, or not at all. This year again, they got planted too late. We should have a bumper crop of beautiful white blooms every night, but we're lucky to see one a week. Here is the first one of the season, and I think we only had one other one. Makes me a bit sad.

That's about all I have! Nothing exciting for me to report lately. I've been healing up nicely from having a tooth out. I sure hope all goes well like that next month when I have my other ones done! I have a feeling that is going to be a pretty rough time, but we'll see.

Hard to believe we are in the first week of August. I sure hope everyone is staying cool out there, and getting lots of stitching done, or whatever it is you like to do! I'll be back soon with a finished bird and more progress on Sisters of the Broom. Take care of yourselves!



  1. Sisters is looking good.
    The JoAnns' close to here doesn't carry Anchor. :(
    The Moonflower is so pretty.
    Good luck with your dental procedures.

    1. Thx Marilyn! I think my JoAnn's is going to be getting rid of their Anchor floss. I need to go stock up--it was on sale, and had a clearance sign up. That's too bad, because I really like their floss for substituting some of the funky DMC I have!

  2. Your stitch is looking good, Tammy. How do you like stitching with the spooled Anchor floss? Your Moonflower bloom is lovely. Glad your mouth is healing from having the tooth pulled. Thinking of you.

    1. Thanks Robin! I think the Anchor is great! I've used it a few times as a substitute for DMC in a few projects and I much prefer it over the colors I've ditched! it is less fuzzy and less prone to shredding and knotting up.


Thank you so much! I appreciate all stitchy comments!