Better late than never! Lancaster was pretty fun. It rained. It was really relaxing and the Marriott in Lancaster is just gorgeous. It rained. I'm used to Hershey Lodge though and was disappointed there weren't more places to eat in the hotel (or a fireplace!). It rained. But being there with my mom and sis was great. It rained. We shall not speak about the spilled water incident however....oh, and did I mention it RAINED??!! Not for an afternoon, not for a couple days either. It was freezing cold and rained the entire time, lol. I had been all set to take capris and flippy flops until the last minute. Brrrrr! Made for cozy sleeping however! And I was just so thankful to have that uninterrupted time with my two main gals. Talking, laughing, eating, shopping. Yeah, doesn't get much better, does it?
Seems I see fewer and fewer vendors at these shows over the years. Anyone remember the Spirit of Cross Stitch gigs? Whoa, now, those shows were incredible. My feet hurt from walking so much and my eyes were blurry from all the goodness to see, but I guess with the internet, there's not such a need to spend the money and go show stuff off. I managed to get some things I didn't have yet though! That's the Shepherd's Bush green snowman in the back.

Now, you can't tell, but amidst all the pretty fiber is a green piece of linen, appropriately named, Kermit. This is for my Fanci That Frankie! It looks washed out here, but is really a pretty, Halloweeny green.

I also managed to get stitching on one of my new designs. Not quite sure what to name it just yet, but it'll come to me. Perhaps I'll have a sneak peek next post. Please don't hold me to that. I am so thankful I have the kind of job I do, working from home, but I really have to be vigilant about stitching and organizing my time. Otherwise, it falls by the wayside, I get tired, and .... oh, wait, I'm preaching to the chior!!! You guys know what I mean. Thanks to all you wonderful people for stopping in to see my stash. Gonna try to get caught up on blogs now! Hope your week is filled with wonderful Halloween Holiday preparations, baking, having fun, carving, and costuming--as well as stitching! See you later this week! Till then,