
Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Hello Autumn! All around catch up and updates!

Lots of things happening, and just a bit of stitching! It's been quite a couple of months. I can't believe it's been that long. I've had a birthday, which was really wonderful, a beach vacation, and a major dental surgery. Still dealing with the latter, since it was just one week ago, but it's going just fine so far. I survived. Just a bit of an update on my Sisters of the Broom. 

Now for the kicker. I am doing this on 16 ct. aida, which is really pretty! I like it so much. But I'm using one strand of floss and I'm not grooving on my stitches. Of course. So I'm toying with the idea of switching it up to linen and using two strands. How crazy am I here? I know it's probably almost 50% done, but I want to be happy with it. And I'm stressing over it. I'm going to lay off of it for a while and see how I feel in a week or so I think. 

The vacation. It was wonderful! Here was the view from our house right on the beach. 

Getting away with the kids was just what I needed. I wish I could capture that feeling all year long. My sweet little grand dog, Franklin, even slept with me one night! That is a pretty big deal because his pawrents were just down the hall and he didn't want to go to bed with them! He stayed until about 4:45am when he had to go out and I'm so glad I went, because I hadn't seen the stars that magnificent in a long while. It was amazing.

The weather was perfection for the entire seven days. Lots of mini-golfing and lots of shopping and eating and enjoying the weather and the beach.

As I said to someone recently, I know what I would do with my lottery winnings. 

I made this kitty for my mom for her birthday. Turned out so adorable! You can find the pattern HERE.

Every time I make one of these little things, it's like saying hello to a new tiny friend, lol. They are just so much fun.

Well, that's it from me for now. I'll decide what to do with Sisters of the Broom soon. I hope everyone is having a fabulous start to their Autumn season so far. I am going to try and do a few things I haven't done the past couple of years. And cook some things I haven't tried yet.  

See you soon!

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sisters of the Broom progress!

Making progress on my late summer stitch, Sisters of the Broom. I am really enjoying it! This is my first time stitching a Quaker type design, but I like it so far! Of course, I'm always up for anything witchy or fall themed. 

I like the colors I substituted, but I'll need to find a flesh color for the sisters because the gold isn't going to cut it. Shouldn't be a problem though! 

This past week was a bit scary in the weather department. We had several tornado warnings on Thursday and a neighborhood about 1.5 miles from us was definitely hit by a tornado. They had tons of trees down and about 30 homes were heavily damaged. When the storms left it took a big bulk of the humidity which was wonderful, and I'm hoping we're all done with the 100+ degree weather.

I got the most amazing cloud photo as one of the storms were leaving one day.

There's absolutely NO filter on that pic! It was just incredibly beautiful to see.

Don't know about you guys, but as always this time of year, I am looking so forward to the cooler days and nights that are coming soon. As much as I enjoy the changing of all the seasons, I relish the Autumn time so much.

I hope everyone is well and getting lots of stitchy projects done. I'll be back soon with more to share on my current stitch!

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Sisters of the Broom progress

Made some nice progress I think. I had the bird almost done, but I really hated the DMC floss I was using on that. It was shreddy and fuzzy and so was one of the other colors, so I went to JoAnn's and substituted them with ones I liked better from Anchor.

I've struggled with planting and raising moonflowers here at this house. They either go in too late, wrong spot, or not at all. This year again, they got planted too late. We should have a bumper crop of beautiful white blooms every night, but we're lucky to see one a week. Here is the first one of the season, and I think we only had one other one. Makes me a bit sad.

That's about all I have! Nothing exciting for me to report lately. I've been healing up nicely from having a tooth out. I sure hope all goes well like that next month when I have my other ones done! I have a feeling that is going to be a pretty rough time, but we'll see.

Hard to believe we are in the first week of August. I sure hope everyone is staying cool out there, and getting lots of stitching done, or whatever it is you like to do! I'll be back soon with a finished bird and more progress on Sisters of the Broom. Take care of yourselves!


Sunday, July 21, 2024

New Start! Notforgotten Farm Sisters of the Broom!

What a week it's been, right? But I'm just going to talk about cross stitch!

I started a new project! Notforgotten Farm's Sisters of the Broom. It's only got four DMC colors, and so far, I'm using just what is called for. I'm stitching it on PTP 16 ct. Ale, using one strand of floss. This is such a nice color. And a nice fabric as well. 

I am actually excited to be stitching on this, for the first time in a long time. This will be my first cross stitch in nearly about 35 years without any of my own dog's hair in it. That is crazy, lol. I'm positive that all my pieces I've EVER done had a stray dog hair. Regardless, I am excited to stitch, and that is a plus right now!

My son and I went to see a Samurai Warrior Armor exhibit at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts yesterday. What a wonderful exhibit, and I would recommend it to anyone! We had a such a great day. Museum, lunch at a favorite place, the bookstore....and traffic. Oh my lord the traffic. But it didn't stop us from having a fantastic time.

Truly amazing exhibit and displays! Well, I think that's all I have for now. I made myself a goal to stitch every single day for the next week and we'll see where I'm at. One day at a time, one stitch at a time. That's how it gets done.

I hope everyone is getting some stitching done and staying cool. We're a bit cooler this week, thank goodness. Getting a tooth pulled and not looking forward to that, but I still want to put in some stitches that day. Wish me luck. It's been a long long time since I had to have that done. In September I'm going in to some totally foreign dental territory-implants. I'm scared!

Have a great week, and I'll be back soon with an update on Sisters of the Broom!

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Pineberry Lane All Good Witches and Updates

I'm calling both of these done. Good Witches only needs the centers of the diamonds on the dresses filled in. Otherwise it's done. It was very hard for me to work on this or even want to keep it, quite honestly. I started it when Jenny was alive, and I have a difficult time finishing projects that are ongoing when something bad happens. Anyone else have this issue? 

Regardless, I did manage to derive some enjoyment from putting in some stitches recently. Even more so when I found a few stray hairs in this piece. They will definitely make it in to the framed piece when the time comes. This is one that I can say I'm just glad it's done and I'll be happy to move on to my next project.

Little Jenny hair

Looks like the VA heat is going to be awful and oppressive this week again. I'm telling you, I really feel for all the little (and big!) animals out there. Just seems to be no break.

I have been wanting to learn to embroider forever. I decided to give it a go a couple weeks ago and bought a little tiny pattern on Etsy. I think I enlarged it too much because I definitely have way more embroidering going on here than the designer had! But I'm learning, so I'm not going to be too hard on myself for now. I can definitely see doing more of this in the future.

I'll try to finish this one up this week. Work has been abysmally slow. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy that, but I have to try to make up the time somehow and that gets a bit tiresome. No pleasing me apparently! LOL.

I need to stitch, crochet, embroider and sew more. It takes me out of my life somewhat and gives my brain something to focus on and concentrate on, and aside from all the beautiful things we make, isn't that why we do it anyway? I think it is. It's like a form of meditation with needle and floss or thread.

I made these earlier in the spring when I really need a break from my thoughts. I think they turned out pretty good!

I also crocheted this for myself after making one for my sweet daughter in law. I love this thing so much.

I have more to catch up on, but I'll leave that for next time! I sincerely hope everyone who comes across this blog is well, and enjoying life, and getting lots of stitching done. Be back soon with a new stitch and more updates! Take care everyone.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

It's been a rough few months.

I don't want to make this post. I have avoided it for four months. She'd have been 18 today. For some insane reason, I thought this pup would live forever. Not to be. To say my life has changed is an extreme understatement. Extreme. I had this pup for nearly 1/3 of my ENTIRE LIFE. That's a long time. We've owned seven pups over 35 years and I have loved them all. This was my heart and soul dog. And now she's gone. And I am devastated. I don't have a big enough or good enough word to say how much we love and miss her.

She was there for me through the loss of almost all my other pups. I've been at my current job for 17 years. I've never worked this job without her watching over me. Life just kind of sucks right now in this moment. She was a beautiful, fun, spunky, little spirited pup. She weighed all of 11 lbs and the hole in my life is enough to drive a tractor trailer through. Funny how that happens. 

Jenny Lynn. Also known as Boo Boo, Jenny Penny, Little Sweet, Lil' Sweet, Baby Girl, Boogie, Boogalicious, Jenny Girl, Sweet Monkey, and a host of other intermittent sweetie names. Couldn't say a word, but was a great communicator. It was the consensus early on that she was the most hilarious dog we've ever had. So funny. Had a real sense of humor. Fantastic guard dog, and I never felt safer than when she was sleeping next to me.

Jenny Lynn 

6/29/06 - 2/28/24

The above graphic is a true representation! Small of stature, huge of spirit and tenacity. The best. 

I promise I'll be back soon, in a few days, with some needlework updates. A few stitches here and there and something new. Been trying like mad to keep my mind and my hands busy. It's been really rough.

The heat here in VA is going up and up. Last week was brutal. I guess mild summers won't be seen here anymore and I miss them. Stay cool, take it easy and have a good upcoming holiday. I'll be back! Promise.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Where did February go? Stitchy update finally!

February has been a blur. Lots going on. I actually got some stitching done the past week or two! Here is progress on All Good Witches.

I still couldn't put the crochet down. I made a sweet little Pug Bee for myself.

The tail. C'mon, the tail!!! You can find this pattern HERE.

And a little Mandrake to keep me company.

Is he not the cutest? You can find him HERE.

Hmmm, like I said, there is lots that has been going on, just not much of it blogworthy. My husband is retired now. Just two days ago. That will be nice for him. And me. I have grown really, really, really, exhausted to trying to live my life around that job. Time for me to make some adjustments. 

I hope everyone is doing well and getting in the Spring mood. It will be here before we know it! Take care of yourselves and get in lots of stitchy and crafty time! We're all gonna need it this upcoming year I think, lol. I will see you soon with more updates!

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Amigurumi January!

I inadvertently crocheted a bunch of amigurumi in January! I thought about doing a couple for V-Day gifts and they just multiplied. I'm hoping my Galentine's Day recipients don't read this blog (I doubt they will!), and I couldn't wait to post them so here they are: 

 I made these hearts in a pod in worsted weight too, and I literally cannot stand how cute they are. 

 I mean, RIGHT? AAAAGH! So precious, lol. 

And I just made this today for my son's best friend, who is embarking on a new single life in his own apartment this weekend. Here's to all his good fortune this year! I hope you can tell it's a fortune cookie!

So, my stitching and designing have taken a back seat to these cuties. I could not help myself. 

My little Jenny girl is healing up, and getting back to her somewhat normal self, complete with a bit of doggie dementia. She is sleeping better and though we are now hand feeding her, she's eating, so that is good!

Feb will be the month for stitching! I have one project to finish and a million to start. How are you guys faring with the beginning of the year? 

My mom and I get together most every year to go over our goals for the upcoming year. But I had a suggestion this year that we go over them every couple months to see where we are at. Too easy to let things fall by the wayside. But you also don't want to set yourself up for any failure so we think hard about these goals. They were all pretty reasonable, so we shall see!

I hope everyone reading this is having a great start to the year and enjoying themselves. Good luck with all your goals and endeavors this year. I'll check in soon with more updates and hopefully a stitchy finish!


Sunday, December 31, 2023

End of Year Wrap Up! Goodbye 2023!

We are at the end of another year. It turns and turns whether we want it to or not. I haven't done much stitching at all, but finishing up Summer Bouquet was a years long goal of mine. I have always loved that sampler and I am so happy I finished it! I'll take it in for finishing soon! I'm not that confident with pinning and framing linen, so I'll probably leave this one to someone else to do. I do hope to continue to work on stitching that I love this next year. It's just been tough lately. 

Here's a pitiful update on All Good Witches by Pineberry Lane. The lighting on these is awful, lol. Oh well. You get the jist!

I did lots of amigurumi projects this year and I was really happy with that! I need to keep using up all this yarn, so I'll be crocheting more this year too. I also started designing here and there again, but haven't officially released anything just yet. Maybe I'll get there soon.

Look at my second gorgeous embroidery from my amazing daughter in law! So beautiful! I'm in awe of her embroidery skills! I am so appreciative of her time and effort in making these things for me. Just awe inspiring.

Our Christmas was so wonderful. The kids came over in the morning and after an incredible opening of gifts in which they got us the most thoughtful and great things, we cooked a big breakfast and we all sat around and enjoyed it at our table. My father in law lives with us now and it was so nice for him to celebrate his second holiday here with us.

Thanksgiving was good. I got to see my nephews for the first time in 2 years. Dynamics change when people get divorced and that is what happened here. I sure miss seeing them, but they are busy boys now with lots to do and two households to do it in. One of them is graduating college soon and they've just grown up while the world was spinning and I have missed out on most of it! Seeing them, and being with my kiddos was the best thing about it. I could honestly do without Thanksgiving though. Not really my favorite holiday or event. Am I weirdo feeling like that? Anyone else who isn't fond of Thanksgiving please chime in, lol!

My sweet little boo boo had to have surgery this past Friday. She's doing OK, and recovering well. But this pup is 17.5 years old! She is s tough little Jack Russell and keeps on trucking. This past year has been tough on her with losing her eyesight and most of her hearing. She still loves to eat and has a good appetite. One of us usually always has to be home with her as she gets stuck in corners and her legs may splay out on the wood floor areas. Poor baby. Sweet little Jenny. She had this same surgery last year, when she was ONLY 16.5 years old, and it was a totally different game. She is just much more delicate this year.

She is officially the last pet we'll have. I just don't have it in me anymore. We've given 7 doggies, 2 kitties, quite a few fish, and two guinea pigs a good life. I'm done! 

Well, I'm tired from caretaking for a little doggie this weekend, and it's NYE, so I'm going to sign off. I hope everyone has a great New Year's Eve and new start to 2024! Take care of yourselves and one another. Be back soon!

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

It. Is. Done!

Whew. Finallly finished her and can move on to other things! It turned out beautifully and I'm so happy I perservered and made myself finish all the fiddly backstitching! Cedar Hill Summer Bouquet on 28 ct PTP linen in Ale.


Just seemed to have been a lot going on this year. Keeping up with doc appointments, work, doing some crocheting and taking care of my pupper--some time just got away from me. But it's done now and that's all that matters!

Now look at this amazingly gorgeous embroidery!! My beautiful daughter in law made me this and I was so surprised! She has been embroidering for the past year or so and I can't believe her progress. She is really talented and excels at pretty much everything she sets out to do! I can't wait to find the perfect spot for it in my bedroom where it will stay out all year long! 

I'm going to set about doing some designing and working on All Good Witches this weekend I think. Unless I come up with something else I'd like to do, like sew up a primitive winter doll or something. I want to do more craft sewing this coming year. And I'd like to learn embroidery too! 

Take care everyone and have a wonderful upcoming Thanksgiving! I truly hope everyone reading this blog has a great time and is surrounded by those you love and cherish. I'll check back in after that with new stitchy progress!